My name is Alessio Albi, I’m a photographer and I mostly work with fashion, advertising and commissioned portrait photography.

I started taking photos in 2010, during my studies in Biotechnologies. I have always been interested in visual arts, but photography came to me very spontaneously and unexpectedly. A friend of mine, also an amateur photographer, suggested giving it a try.
Still, I continued to consider photography as only a passion – a hobby – for at least the first 5 years, while I was working as a nutritionist. Then, around 2015/2016 I started to take client commissions simultaneously with the growth of my social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram at the time).
In general, I’m inspired by people and experiences. Every time I hit a “creative block” I try to push myself out of it by organizing a trip, even a short one, with friends or other professionals met over the years in the photography/fashion industry. Overall, unexpected adventures are my biggest creative fuel.

I had my first contact with Fujifilm in Barcelona around 2018. I had the chance to try GFX50S, but I started to use Fujifilm mirrorless systems more intensively in the last two years, during my latest fashion and advertising campaigns. Currently I’m working with GFX100 II for my editorial and advertising work, while I keep my X100V for my spontaneous trips with friends. Combined with the GFX system I prefer mostly prime lenses like GF55mmF1.7 R WR, GF110mmF2 R LM WR and the zoom lens GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR.

Being used to natural light conditions for my personal work, the GFX100S II blew me away with the mix of image quality, dynamic range and ease of use for a Large Format camera. Also considering I love shooting out of the studio and exploring the outdoor world, its light weight definitely makes GFX100S II an all-round camera for my photographic travel. I have to say that, as I’m used to big cameras, having the weight reduced so much has been really helpful in terms of portability. It especially helped my back in the long run!

Also, as an everyday professional camera I like the design of GFX100S II very much, I find it very elegant and contemporary.

The dynamic range and high ISO performance of GFX100S II really surprised me. Colors and dynamic range performed greatly at any ISO I have been working at. Also, I was impressed by the speed of the camera combined with such a high resolution. Moreover, as a portrait and fashion photographer I feel that 7 frames-per-second are more than enough.
In general, I rarely rely on stabilization for images because I also like micro-blurred pictures as a creative choice, but IBIS comes in super handy if I shoot handheld at nighttime.

Being able to simulate film was also super handy and fun to play with, as I often look for that film look in post-production. I often work with Classic Chrome and Reala Ace which I have chosen to shoot this project by Como Lake with GFX100S II.

In conclusion, finally being able to shoot with lightness, ease of use and high-quality performance and speed in a large format camera is a technological achievement for me, and I believe Fujifilm is doing a great job in terms of technological development.